Inflammation is one of the common reasons why people develop chronic degenerative conditions. Decreasing inflammation can help people recover from degenerative conditions and restore their health.
Inflammation is a response by the body that reacts to harmful stimuli such as damaged cells, pathogens and irritants. It is an attempt to remove injurious stimuli as well as start the healing process for our tissues.
Classifications of inflammation are acute and chronic. It’s initial response is to remove the body of harmful stimuli and is accomplished by the movement of leukocytes and plasma from the blood into the injured tissues. Chronic inflammation can lead to conditions like arthritis. This is because the cells shift to a type of cell that are present at the site of inflammation and simultaneous destruction and healing of the tissue from the inflammatory process. Internal damage to our body systems is a result of such inflammation. Poor health and a host of diseases occur.
People are educating themselves on natural alternatives to prescription based anti-inflammatory drugs such as Cox-2 inhibitors without the many side effects. Omega 3 essential fatty acids are what people are turn to for a natural alternative. Fish oils are an example of Omega 3. For years people have been consuming a diet high in omega-6 fatty acids and low in antioxidants. Like many events in nature, there needs to be balance. We all need a balance of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids. Trying to restore balance is not enough to quickly offset damage due to inflammation. It is crucial to supplement omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids with antioxidants. DHA and EPA are two important omega 3 fatty acids and is what can be found in fish oils. Research has been conducted and it is now evident that omega-3 fish oils are an excellent anti-inflammatory natural substance. Treatment of inflammation can be achieved by the help of other natural supplements. These are proteolytic enzymes, calcium and magnesium, high dose vitamin C with bioflavinoids, zinc, ginger, tumeric. milk thistle, boswellia, serrata and quercetin.
Diet is also very important in decreasing inflammation. Avoidance of certain meats help to decrease pro-inflammatory fatty acids. Eat organic fruits and vegetables; avoid all refined foods, sugar, soft drinks and white flour products. Include garlic in your diet. It serves as a anti-infectious agent.
The Doctor at Chiropractic Nutrition Clinic in Wake Forest North Carolina utilizes techniques to evaluate which essential fatty acids and other nutritional products are needed for each patient.